Dastaan Consulting, a strategic development collective.

Get accessible and personalized development, leadership, or facilitation of in-person or virtual trainings and workshops.

Our approach

Dastaan Consulting is composed of a team of consultants and advisers with more than 25 years of experience in the humanitarian and development sectors as both direct implementers and donor representatives. The diverse team provides tailored support to humanitarian practitioners and actors, based on its members' unique experiences coordinating humanitarian and development responses around the world.


Global Expertise

Our team of consultants and advisers has experience as both direct implementers and donor representatives, on topics such as development, humanitarian assistance, food security, protection and education, in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eurasia.

Our services

hand-drawn armchair icon

Strategy & Management

hand-drawn empty pill bottle icon

Development and Humanitarian Assessment and Evaluation

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Management and Leadership Coaching

hand-drawn simplified needles in back acupuncture icon

Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Training and Team Building


Meet Our Team

Tabari Dossett

Mariam Bamizai

Gary Barrett

Dastaan Fellows

The Meaning of Dastaan

Dastaan in Dari means an orate oral history. The name represents the importance of individual, family and community stories and perspectives. For us, the name represents the need to always remember how our work impacts those we seek to assist and the importance of taking the time to listen, learn and incorporate input from beneficiaries as a way to achieve significant, sustainable and effective impact.

Diversity and Inclusion

Dastaan Consulting is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

We take D&I into consideration in our hiring, promotion, delegation of responsibilities, and all other facets of our operations.